it’s time

my name is Hope Stretch. God gave me a vision THREE and a half years ago. It wasn’t a vision that had anything to do with me, but rather a HUNGER for God and EAGERness for the Holy Spirit. The vision was me standing on a stage speaking about my story, sharing my testimony with a male figure standing next to me. The crowd was full of people like a massive sea, waiting and listening. I felt a sense of urgency for these people while on the stage in my vision. It’s lost souls. It’s those who don’t know how to tell their story or know they even have one. They have believed the lie of the enemy that they don’t matter, are sick, can't overcome sin, or can’t get delivered. He told me I would speak one day to large groups.

I am called to lead crusades, evangelize, be a burning one for the nations, and win lost souls.

it will be in His timing alone. I know, though, that I’m called to be a mouthpiece for those who can’t speak up. I am called and chosen to be a mouthpiece for my generation, region, AND THE NATIONS.

I have such a burning passion to share the Gospel to unreached people groups that may never have heard of Jesus.

I am special, chosen, and anointed to carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth and be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Since giving my life to the Lord in 2019, I WAS saved from alcohol, drugs, deep parent wounds, an eating disorder, suicide, extreme depression and anxiety. I worked in full time ministry at ITOWN Church for almost 2 years as a Graphic Designer and marketing coordinator.

I have been a full time missionary since august 2022. My spirit has been stirred FOR MORE. hE SPOKE TO ME ABOUT prayer, intercession, worship, youth, and revival AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR in 2022. God spoke to me to move across the country to dallas, tx from indianapolis, in. I dropped everything just as the disciples did to follow after jesus and attend upperroom school of ministry fall 2022-2023. i LEFT MY FAMILY, FRIENDS, CHURCH COMMUNITY, DREAM JOB, BEST FRIENDS THAT ARE FAMILY, GAVE ALL MY THINGS AWAY, AND MY HOME TO CHASE AFTER THIS CALL. OUT OF OBEDIENCE, I AM HIS SURRENDERED WARRIOR DESTINED FOR WHATEVER HE HAS FOR ME. I AM A BLANK CANVAS. I am called to be a voice to the nations.

Now, may 2023 here we are - i did!!! i graduated upperroom school of ministry.

the question is “what’s next?”

That is why after upperroom school of ministry, I am being COMMISSIONED by the lord to be sent out to the nations.

wHAT IF YOU WERE THE ONLY BIBLE THAT PEOPLE GOT TO READ? wHAT IF YOUR OBEDIENCE TO GOD HAD PEOPLE DEPENDING ON IT? I’m just an ordinary girl with a burning passion for Jesus because I know He has absolutely changed my life for the better. I am recklessly in love with King Jesus. I have never felt Jesus’ love for me so strong. I have a mandate on my life to be a willing vessel and to let the Holy Spirit work through me to be a ray of hope to others. If He loves me this much, I know He IS JUST AS RECKLESSLY IN LOVE WITH HIS OTHER children. i AM JUST ONE OUT OF BILLIONS. I surrendered to the call for King Jesus to go out to the nations of every tribe, nation, and tongue.

Please partner with me in prayer and consider donating financially. it is about the lost souls that need the gospel of jesus christ. I am surrendering to the call and jumping into what god is doing in my life.

i say yes.

I am a soldier. i AM ready to march into battle with a loud cry. I am called to share the good news and talk wildly about the Holy Spirit. I am called to speak on deliverance and deliverance ministry. i AM CALLED TO GO TO THE TRENCHES, THE GHETTO, THE HOMELESS COMMUNITIES, AND MY OWN NEIGHBORHOOD TO SHARE THE GOSPEL. iT STARTS SMALL. hE WANTS ME TO TESTIFY OF ALL HE has done through heaLING, savING, and walKING me into true divine freedom OVER THE PAST 4 YEARS. I am called to help set the captives free. ISAIAH 61 IS MY ANTHEM SONG.

i AM continuing to see THE floodgates of HEAVEn OPEN ABOVE MY EYES. I am working in DELIVERANCE, healing, the prophetic, undercover missions, but the most important of all is: KNOWING HIM.

Please consider partnering with me in this opportunity financially or in prayer by making a one-time love offering or becoming a monthly donor to cover my living expenses. By sowing, it is unlocking the key to the masses of lost souls that need to hear the MIGHTY GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST.

god bless you.